The short answer: it’s a magical system that combines Jungian psychology + magic in order to bring out the best of both.

Two simple questions illustrate how this works. The first is…

How can a Jungian view of the psyche make my magic more effective?

For instance, understanding what an archetype is from a Jungian perspective, not just as pop-culture lingo, is directly tied to raising energy for a successful spell or ritual.

✨ Once you grasp how archetypes affect the ego—and which archetypes, in particular, your ego finds especially potent—you’ll have an extraordinary source of power at your magical fingertips.

Or how about this: Casting spells that run counter to your soul syllabus is energy intensive, and the results are often exceedingly short-lived.

(Soul syllabus = the ever-unfolding realization of your unique potential. If you’re an acorn, your soul syllabus = oak tree.)

Or, worse, you get what you want…but it’s not at all what you want.

What if you could take a peek at that syllabus 🔍 allowing you to work magic that aligns with this ultimate expression of You-ness?

You can! It’s called dream interpretation. And you don’t have to be a dreamworking genius to glean incredibly useful insights from these nightly messages. (You also don’t have to remember entire dreams, which is handy.)

The second question I ask myself is…

How can magic help me + my psyche work together more effectively?

One way is to pay attention before, during, and after magical workings as an exercise in widening your self-awareness.

For instance, earlier this year I made a batch of sigils aimed, from slightly different angles, at helping me write a kick-ass romance novel. 🫦

When I was done sketching the sigils, one of them kept giving off a distinctly odd vibe. It was angular and spare, while the others had lots of curlicue lines and flourish-y bits.

At first, I didn’t think much of it, but as I was inputting my intentions (each sigil is based on an intention) to my Magical Campaign Tracker, I didn’t like the wording of one of them. I hadn’t noticed it initially, but it wasn’t quite what I meant; the phrasing was too ambiguous.

As it turns out, that wonky intention corresponded to the sore-thumb sigil. 👎

And taking this even further, that intention touched on an area where, based on family conditioning, I had hangups about asking directly for what I want.

Coincidence? 🤔 I think not, and this intel helped me spot a pattern that was affecting my creative process far more than I realized prior to making the sigils.

Your psyche is your number one magical tool.

It’s vastly more powerful than any tarot cards or crystals or incantations you could ever possibly find.

Sure, those magical allies can be immensely useful (and soooo fun), but we’re always coming to life through the interface of the psyche.

No external tool could possibly trump our relationship to ourselves.

Last year, I set out to create a series of lessons in what I consider to be Jungian Magic fundamentals—things like:

🌙 Accessing your soul syllabus through dream interpretation and tweaking your day-to-day choices based on this psychic intel

🌋 Tapping into larger archetypal energies, both to power your spells + rituals and to calm the exhausted ego that thinks everything rests on its (much tinier) shoulders

🔮 Using tarot and a pendulum to explore your unique psychic makeup (they can be used to “fact check” your dream interpretations!)

The end result was Enchantment Lab, and until now, it’s only been available to Portal members.

Today, I’m releasing a standalone version of the Lab, so you can master magical fundamentals—all with a Jungian twist.

I’ve also created a special bundle with my Sigils Mini Course.

If you’ve been with me for a while, you already know about my obsession with sigils. 🤓 I love making them, and they work eerily well.

If you’re brand new to magic, sigils are a great way to dip your toes in the pool. They require you to whittle your magical intention down to a clear, concise statement (which I show you how to do), a skill that’s useful in all your magical endeavors…

…and you have the option to use astrological timing for the activation of your sigil (which I also show you how to do). This process can be used to optimally time spell castings, full moon rituals, dinner parties—pretty much anything you like.

🔶 If you’ve not-so-secretly wished Hogwarts offered summer school classes, Enchantment Lab and the Sigils Mini Course are for you.

These magic-packed lessons are the perfect blend of fascinating theory with let’s-do-this practical instruction, and you can work at your own pace.

You’ll also get fun (and useful) bonuses, like a printable Spellcasting Playbook, the Liminal Magic Playbook, and a Magical Campaign Tracker Notion template!

Ready to make this your Summer of Magic? 🪄

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