My life wasn’t working. 

I was barely scratching rent money together, spending my puny paychecks, instead, on drinks, drugs, and other shit I didn’t need as I leapt from one trainwreck relationship to the next. 

I came to Jung’s work at a particularly low and grimy point, when I’d declared that this time, for real, I was going to get sober, ditch my cheating boyfriend, and turn my life around. Again. 

And you know what?

That wasn’t the last time. I did it all over again, the drinking, the drugs, and the drama-filled breakups. 

But something in Jung’s work, something he repeated again and again, in a hundred different ways, kept tapping me on the shoulder, a little louder, and a little louder still. 

Jung knew that in our darkest suffering, when we’re in the grips of patterns we just can’t seem to shake, when it feels like our mind is hellbent against our own well being…there is hope. 

The psyche forever strives toward wholeness and healing, even if our life currently resembles a dumpster fire hurtling over a cliff. 

Hidden in the painful patterns and steel-clawed habits that squeeze ‘til we can barely breathe…are clues.

Clues as to what, precisely, our soul needs in order to free itself from unconscious compulsions and return to health. 

Learning how to take frustrating, painful, repetitive situations and read the unconscious messages they carry is like downloading the syllabus for our soul’s next phase of growth and expansion. 

It’s specific. It’s personalized. It’s exactly what we need, when we need it. 

And one of the most accessible ways to learn this language of the unconscious is to look at our relationships, because they serve as constant mirrors to our hidden depths. 

When we gain fluency, we begin to see direct connections between…

…for example, our anxiety around setting a boundary with our mom and the fact that we’re habitually broke. 

Or the connection between feeling like our partner is emotionally unavailable and the fact that we can’t sit down to finish (or hell–start) writing our book. 

When we don’t know how to receive and interpret the unconscious’ messages, we can’t see the direct line between the friction we experience in relationships and the obstacles to living our soul’s yearned-for life. 

But it’s there. 

Like Indiana Jones brushing aside overgrown vines…

…revealing a hidden temple that was in the middle of the jungle all along, reading the signs in our relationships reveals our own hidden treasures–the gifts, the authenticity, the energies that we’re here to share. 

It allows us to retrace our energetic steps and reclaim our power. 

In Relationship Reset, we’ll learn this secret language by reading from Jung’s Collected Works, translating his perspective through my Jungian Witch’s lens. 

And then, through energy work and journal prompts, you’ll learn how to apply what you’re learning to your own relationships. 

You’ll learn to wipe the fog from the mirror, so you can see, clearly, what steps your soul is guiding you to take toward your own expansion and healing.

Ready for a Relationship Reset?

Sign up by midnight, November 2, to get the special early-bird discount.  

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