If you’re just joining us, you can catch up on the root chakra and navel chakra posts first. Today, we’re talking about the solar plexus, which is located above your belly button, roughly where your diaphragm is.

3 Signs Your Solar Plexus Chakra is Healthy

  • You have the energy and will to make things happen in your life. When your solar plexus is working properly, you are able to set goals and meet them most of the time. You feel a sense of purpose and direction in your life, and you play a role in creating and sustaining that sense of purpose; you’re not waiting for it to magically appear.
  • You have a healthy relationship to power. You are comfortable expressing your personal power by living authentically, creating and maintaining healthy boundaries, and pursuing your passions. In contrast, disowning your personal power results in living according to other’s standards rather than your own, letting people walk all over you (or doing that to others), and shying away from your dreams out of fear. With a healthy solar plexus, you concentrate your efforts on an internal sense of power, as opposed to “power over” other people and situations that don’t need or want you to control them.
  • You are enthusiastic about your life. When the fire of your solar plexus is burning bright, you have an infectious passion for the things and people to which you devote your energy. We’ve all met people who seem to be aglow with enthusiasm and eager to follow their passions. Granted, no one is like this 100% of the time, but if you can’t remember the last time you felt this way, your solar plexus could probably use a boost.

The Solar Plexus Gets Shit Done

The following is an excerpt from my eBook, Luminous: Powerful Energy Practices to Make You Glow from Head to Toe.

Let’s take a look at power and its relationship to the third chakra. Even though the root-navel-solar threeway of chakras is capable of generating and collecting a great deal of energy, energy alone is not enough to constitute true power. For that, we need to add another ingredient: consciousness. This occurs when the consciousness of the upper chakras descends and meets the energy of the solar plexus. This consciousness, or intelligence, forms the intention that shapes our will and directs our energy.

Let’s unpack that last statement, because it holds a lot of juicy information that will help you manifest what you need and want in life. If you’re familiar with the practice of magick, you’ve likely heard Aleister Crowley’s definition of magick as “the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with will.”

When we are doing magick, we are working to create change (navel chakra) through the direction of energy focused by our will (solar plexus chakra), to result in an act of manifestation (root chakra). As witch and teacher Christopher Penzcak writes in The Inner Temple of Witchcraft, “Magick is learning to work with change, with the forces that create change, and to shape the outcome to match your intention.”

Whether you see yourself as working magick or not, we all have the desire to create changes in our lives that match up with our intentions. We want to be able to find a great job, sustain satisfying relationships, eat healthier foods–these are all desired changes that require will, a clear intention, and directed energy.

And one of the most exciting things about the solar plexus, especially if you’ve been struggling to make long-lasting changes in your life, is that once the solar plexus is functioning properly, it begins to produce power with less effort. The solar plexus helps us break out of inertia, which is one aspect of the root chakra that can sometimes lead to problems, and once that process has begun, with a proper container it then becomes self-perpetuating.

The meditative journey at the end of this chapter [included with the eBook] will involve a battery jump start of sorts for your solar plexus, and from there, you’ll find it much easier to generate the energy you need to power your life.

More About the Solar Plexus Chakra

To continue reading, download your copy of Luminous: Powerful Energy Practices to Make You Glow from Head to Toe. (This title is no longer available.)

You’ll learn why a healthy solar plexus is critical for following through on your goals, aligning with your soul path, breaking out of inertia, and much more.

Each chakra chapter includes a guided meditation mp3 that will help you heal and balance your chakras while increasing your ability to attract and manifest what you want. 

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