I love working with the chakras, because the more you do so the easier it is to manifest what you want, which allows life to flow much more smoothly. In this series of posts, we’ll be looking at each of the seven main chakras and how you can give them a healing boost.

3 Signs of a Healthy Root Chakra

  • You’re enjoying physical and financial health. Your root chakra is intimately connected to your sense of safety and stability in the world, and this ties into not only the health of your body but also your ability to provide for your needs through satisfying work. If your physical health and finances are in good shape and they’re not a source of chronic angst, then that’s a good sign your root chakra is functioning properly.
  • You feel comfortable in your own skin. In high school, I remember the sheer panic I would feel at having to walk across a room in front of my peers because I was convinced they were judging and mocking me (and hey, this was high school, so that very well could have been the case!). I was so uncomfortable in my gangly body that I felt like an awkward robot. Working with my root chakra, among other practices, has brought me home to my body. If you feel comfortable in your own skin the majority of the time, it’s likely that your root chakra is happily working.
  • You are free from chronic anxiety and worry. Sure, we all get stressed from time to time, but if you’re in a near constant state of anxiety, or if even small events trigger disproportionate stress responses, this is a clue that your root chakra needs some love. A functioning root chakra provides you with a comfy seat of security that you know is always there, even during rough patches, making it easier to take things in stride and keep freak outs to a minimum.

Safety First!

The following is an excerpt from my eBook, Luminous: Powerful Energy Practices to Make You Glow from Head to Toe.

The root chakra, which is located at the base of your spine or the perineum in most traditions, is your foundation, and it is vital not only to your physical well-being but to your spiritual growth as well.

Many religious and spiritual practices associate the body and physical reality as somehow less than “higher” spiritual ideals, but as you get in touch with your root chakra, you will see the beauty and power in the physical and how, without this foundation, it is very hard to evolve and grow on the spiritual planes.

One major function of the root chakra is to support your safety and stability in the physical realm, and this encompasses the work you do, where you live, how you care for your body–all of the pieces that fit together to ensure your survival.

When these things are in disarray, it’s hard to devote energy to spiritual pursuits. On a basic level, if you hate your job and your health is a mess, sitting down to meditate is often the last thing on your mind, and on the flip side, when these things start to come together this frees up energy that you can use for all sorts of cool things.

Another wonderful benefit of having a healthy root chakra is that we are less fearful and anxious. Many of us spend a lot of time in our heads, worrying about things that have already happened and stressing about what might happen. Or as Mark Twain said, “I’ve lived through some terrible things in my life, some of which actually happened.”

This takes us out of the only moment that exists for us right now: the present. In the present, we have the ability to be truly effective, but only when we show up and pay attention. If our mind is wandering to that argument we had last week or fretting about next month’s meeting, we step out of our power and often feel anxious and fearful.

Our root chakra can help us ground, right here, right now. It can help us show up for whatever is going on for us in the present moment, whether we experience it as being pleasant, neutral, or unpleasant, and from there we can make more empowered choices.

More About the Root Chakra

To continue reading, download your copy of Luminous: Powerful Energy Practices to Make You Glow from Head to Toe. (This title is no longer available.)

You’ll learn why a healthy root chakra is critical for manifesting the life you want, how healing the root chakra can improve your relationship to your body and your physical health, how to ditch indecision by regaining confidence in your life’s path, and much more.

Each chakra chapter includes a guided meditation mp3 that will help you heal and balance your chakras while increasing your ability to attract and manifest what you want. 

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