On today’s Full Moon in Capricorn, ask yourself, “What resources are already available to me?”

It’s easy to stall our progress by collecting far more tools than we need: more courses, more books, more memberships…and on and on it goes.

We get so bogged down by potential, it’s hard to make anything real.

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The Full Moon in Capricorn helps you locate what you need in what you already have, so you can go do the thing already.

Now is a great time to focus on practical actions that don’t require a scavenger hunt to get started.

What are you working towards right now?

Great! What can you do today and over the next week, using what you already have?

If you want to go further, spend a little time meditating under the Full Moon, and ask to be shown which of your resources is right for the job.

If you’re more visual, you can imagine entering a room that contains all of your resources. Notice what jumps out at you, and if you need clarity, ask how you’re meant to use it.

The energy is in your favor right now to get. shit. done.

You’ll have the most success today if you:

Keep it simple

Focus on practical actions

Use what you already have

Full Moon blessings!

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A new column that helps you tap into the moon’s energy, even when you’re short on time.