A few days ago, I promised to share how I used the energy liberated from a limiting belief to supercharge my magic. If you haven’t read the original post, you can start there for more context. 

In short, that limiting belief revolved around the idea that if I couldn’t do something perfectly, then I should just give up. *sad farty trombone sound*

After spotting this belief in action, I used a method from Internal Family Systems. I closed my eyes, I got in touch with my felt sense of the inner part clutching to this limiting belief, and I talked to it like I would a friend. 

I asked what this part wanted me to know and what it needed from me, and then I gave it lots of hugs and appreciation. 

When this process was complete, I felt energetically and physically lighter, and my thoughts were much clearer. In this headspace, I was inspired to do a simple meditation. I’d gotten the idea earlier that day while listening to The Six-Figure Author Experiment podcast. One of the hosts mentioned in passing, as the episode was wrapping up, that they like doing the Your Ideal Day meditation…with a twist. 

Here’s how to do it:

In meditation, imagine yourself waking up in the morning. Feel your feet touch the floor, and move through your morning routine like you normally would—for the most part. The twist is that you’ll be sprinkling in details that feel extra

Attack of the AI ghost hand!

For example, when I came downstairs, my same ol’ bathroom now had lush plants and a brand new shower curtain, and I felt creatively inspired just brushing my teeth! Unlike the conventional Your Ideal Day where you go all out, waking up in a mansion overlooking the ocean while Timothée Chalamet fans you and feeds you grapes (just me?), you’re giving your current situation a mini makeover. 

When I try to radically reinvent my life, it feels fun, sure, but it’s so obviously not what’s happening that it gets reduced to fantasy. My psyche isn’t inspired to forge a path between Here and There, because it feels like There doesn’t actually exist. 

Here’s what happened next:

Teeth brushed and breakfast had, I stepped into my home office. On the walls was beautifully framed artwork of the first four books in my romantasy series (context: I’m almost done editing book one). There was also an oversized image of the love interest character in all his smokeshow glory. 🥵

I didn’t have to try and conjure this energy—at the first glimpse of my art-adorned office, it whooshed from my heart and my head, filling my body and aura. It was positively sparkling with creative power. 

In the meditation, I stepped through a portal in my home office into my Inner Sanctuary (this is optional; you could also stay in your Ideal Day and work your magic from there). I have a crystal-lined chamber in my Sanctuary dedicated to the flow of money, and I convened with my inner part associated with the limiting belief, along with the rest of my guides

Together, we gathered this abundance of energy into a cone shape, and I focused on a spellcasting aim related to the success of my book. The energy continued to build, and once it felt on the verge of bursting, we sent that energy into the cosmos, aligned with my spell’s intention.

It’s hard to describe how electrifying this felt, like a full-body spell-gasm, and in my experience, when you work magic from this energetic stance it’s incredibly powerful.

Liberating unconscious energy, which is what this inner part and its limiting belief were before I became aware of them, is the bedrock of more oomph-y, effective magic. 

In Shadow Golem, my new course, I show you how to unlock these hidden energy stores using the lore-rich archetype of the golem. 

Golems are an apt metaphor for psychological complexes, and they monopolize three sources of potent psychic energy, energy that could be freed for other uses, like casting spells that work. 

We’ll explore these three energy sources; how to heal + integrate the golem with the powers of Air, Water, Fire, and Earth; and a whole lot more. Don’t forget, you’ve got until Sunday to take 20% off with code GOLEMHUGS. 

See you inside! 🪄

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