Signs that your shadow needs attention:
Chronically frustrating situations you just can’t seem to shift, like…
– getting involved with emotionally unavailable partners who seem so different at first
– not being able to surpass a certain income threshold, even when you land a raise or work overtime
– always offering more support in your relationships than what you get back
– feeling like you’re taking one step forward and two steps back with–you name it–career, health, relationships, etc.

Ask yourself this:
Is there a situation in your life where you’ve said, “I don’t know why this isn’t working–I’ve tried everything!”
These are places where, unbeknownst to the conscious mind, we keep trying variations of the same thing.
In truth, what’s really going on is we’ve applied an outdated, non-working strategy every which way we can think of…and it’s still not working.
What’s tricky is that, to the conscious mind, these attempts seem different–like the emotionally unavailable partners that appear to be the polar opposite of our ex at first blush.

Shadow work helps us step out of chronically frustrating loops.
It sheds light on our blind spots, so we don’t have to keep banging our head against the wall, wondering why we have a headache.
While the unconscious is vast and mysterious, there are time-tested methods for peering into its shadowy depths…
…and in this course, you’ll use effective exercises based on Jungian Magic principles to uncover the shadow material that’s keeping you stuck.

How is the course organized?
All content is delivered right to your inbox, so if you check email, it’ll be easy to keep up with the course.
No special login details to remember (or forget, if you’re like me!).
You’ll get one email every other day for a month, and you’ll have the option to read or listen to the audio version of each lesson.
The course is a mixture of theory, so you understand the why, and practical exercises, so you can live what you’re learning.
The exercises dig deep, but they’re also designed to fit into your actual life. This is shadow work for people with, ya know, jobs and families and the such, so you won’t have to devote countless hours to gain serious benefits.

What will you know how to do after taking the course?
You’ll be able to recognize areas of your life where shadow content is kicking up friction.
And using the shadow work exercises, you’ll be able to change how you interact in these dynamics, producing tangible shifts in the outer world.
Instead of drowning in annoyance and resentment, fruitlessly trying to change other people, you’ll know how to unhook from shadow dynamics and make conscious, effective choices.
You’ll also build clarity around your values.
Rather than being yanked this way and that by collective pressures and people-pleasing urges, you’ll understand what’s important to you and how to live in accordance with those priorities.

Ready to shed guilt, shame, and dis-ease and step more fully into your authenticity?
Start Shadow Play today. I’ll see you inside.