Search Results for: money

How to Make Letting Go of Outcome Feel Amazing, Not Painful

How to Make Letting Go of Outcome Feel Amazing, Not Painful

If you’ve read virtually any spiritual writing, you’re well familiar with the mantra  “let go of the outcome.” And yet there are (many) times when even detaching from the outcome of what you’re cooking for dinner can feel like a Sisyphean task. Why is this so hard? I believe letting go can feel so excruciating for the…


Throw Out Your Shorts: A Ritual for Greater Prosperity

I was putting laundry away yesterday when I saw a pair of shorts hiding in the bottom of my dresser. I’ve had these shorts for five years, and in that time I’ve worn them twice. The first time I wore them they were so unbelievably, crotch-cuttingly uncomfortable that I banished them to the Dresser Wastelands. Why…