What’s your biggest challenge when it comes to setting boundaries?

Maybe it’s not knowing what to say and worrying that you’ll hurt someone’s feelings if you get it wrong. 

Maybe you’re so flustered while setting a boundary, you tumble down a rabbit hole of apologies and explanations.

Or maybe setting them is sorta doable, but it feels way too awkward to reinforce your boundaries if someone crosses them. 

Chances are, you know that boundaries are super important for building healthy relationships…

…but actually setting and maintaining them?

That’s a very different animal!

In Get Free: A Course in Setting Boundaries, we’ll be taking a two-pronged approach…

…to help you feel more clear and confident stating what you need in your relationships.

The first is learning how to deal with all of the thoughts and feelings that arise before, during, and after setting a boundary. 

Maybe you get sucked into a quicksand of guilt or shame, which makes boundary setting feel stressful AF. 

Perhaps you get caught in looping thoughts–things like, “OMG does this person hate me now? Do they think I’m being super demanding?”

Learning how to work effectively with these thoughts and feelings…

…helps you step out of people-pleasing patterns…

…so you can clearly and kindly communicate what you need…

…creating more trust and authentic closeness in your relationships.

We’ll be using easy-to-learn techniques from Internal Family Systems (IFS) to help you transform overwhelm into very doable forward progress and lasting change.

The second is learning specific boundary-setting strategies, things like…

how to start challenging boundary conversations

how to state your boundaries in a way that feels authentic to you

what to do when someone tries to argue with or cross your boundaries–and more!

How is the course structured?

All of your course content will be delivered in emails, so you don’t have to worry about logging into a course portal and slogging through 2-billion-factor authentication if you forget your password. 

If you’re like me, you sometimes (often?) sign up for classes that you never even start, so my goal is to make it as easy as possible for you to stick with me from beginning to end.

If you’re used to checking your email, it’ll be super simple to stay the course!

Lessons arrive in your inbox every other day for a month.

You’ll have the option to read or listen to all course content, whichever is easiest for you. 

You’ll also get two recorded Q&A sessions from a previous class, one sent out midway through, the other shortly before the end of class.

What will you learn in this class?

The tools and strategies cover what you’ll need in order to feel confident before, during, and after you set a boundary.

Before you set a boundary…

The difference between setting a boundary versus trying to control someone (because confusing these can make boundary setting waaaaay harder than it needs to be)

How personal boundaries are like a witch’s magick circle (and why that’s super helpful)

The G-word: Guilt and how to deal with it, so it doesn’t keep you stuck in people pleasing 

How to take excellent care of yourself, so intense thoughts and feelings don’t keep you from setting much-needed boundaries

Figuring out what your boundaries are

During setting a boundary…

How to clearly communicate your boundaries without feeling like a jerk

How to support yourself if you’re feeling so anxious while setting a boundary, you wonder if you might spontaneously combust

How to say no to requests, even if you’re a habitual people pleaser 

A simple boundary-setting script and how to adapt it to any situation

After setting a boundary…

How to deal with nagging thoughts and intense feelings after you set a boundary

How to handle people arguing with or crossing your boundaries

How to deal with other people’s resistance when you’re setting boundaries with them for the first time

What to do when you’re the one breaking your own boundaries!

Ready to make boundary setting way less scary?

I want to give you the very same tools and strategies that helped me go from never setting boundaries and feeling trapped in angsty resentment and people pleasing…

…to being able to do things like:

asking for what I need, so I’m not feeling unsupported and lonely in my relationships

cutting off contact with difficult family members without stressful, dramatic blow-ups

lovingly letting someone know I’m not a dumping ground for their complaints, without damaging our connection

and more.

Healthy boundaries make relationships more satisfying and less stressful.

Let’s do this together.

In just over a month, we’ll walk through clear strategies for supporting yourself before, during, and after setting a boundary…

…and we’ll take the mystery out of what to say, when to say it, and how.

If you’re ready to release paralyzing overwhelm and resentment…

…and start kindly, effectively communicating what you need,

fostering greater trust and intimacy in your relationships…

I can’t wait to see you in class.