Do you know your inner red flags?
Relationship red flags tend to focus our gaze on the other person, warning us to look out for…
Relationship red flags tend to focus our gaze on the other person, warning us to look out for…
January 2024 #1
Energy centers in the psyche
The Spirits of the Pumpkins Descended into the Heavens (2019) by Yayoi Kusama
As a Reiki Master, I was taught a very specific approach to energy work, and for a number of years, I ran a healing practice, offering bodywork, Reiki + tarot. During that time, my hands-on energy healing began to develop its own flavor, one that was intricately entwined with my Jungian studies.
I find the overlap between Jungian psychology, energy work, and magic…
Happy Full Moon in Leo, Reader!
Today, I want to talk about itty-bitty changes leading to big-time productivity, and then I’m going to tie this in with Jungian Magic and turning romance novels into sigils 💋.
This year, I’ve made some changes to my daily work schedule. Pre-schedule change, I worked from 6:30~7:00 a.m. until either 4:00 (if I had an after-work walk with a friend) or 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
That’s 10 hours a day on average that I was working, and yet I always felt…
Today, I want to talk about itty-bitty changes leading to big-time productivity, and then I’m going to tie…
Enchantment Lab: January #3
Do try this at home
created with NightCafe (zodiacal energy on steroids)
Hi, Reader! Let’s dive right into different practices you can play with and adapt for your magical syllabus.
The first idea is to translate your magical focus into something tangible, such as an object for your altar.
If you’re exploring certain planets in your natal chart, for instance, you might select a crystal to represent each one (google planetary-crystal correspondences) and place…
I love the fresh-slate feel of a new year, and right now I’m re-reading Atomic Habits by James…
Enchantment Lab: January #2
Witch school is officially in session
created with NightCafe (seriously, why isn’t this a real place??)
This week, we’re going to play with the concept of a magical syllabus, but I’d like you to think of this less as a giant to-do list (yuck) and more like the question you pose at the beginning of a tarot reading.
Allow me to explain…
When you frame a tarot reading with an opening question, you are then looking at the cards through that particular lens, and this…
Enchantment Lab: January #1
Crafting your magical system
New Year’s Eve Foxfires at the Changing Tree (1857) by Utagawa Hiroshige
Happy New Year, Reader!
Here we are, with our fresh, sparkly calendars. What better time to assemble your personalized magical system and set yourself up for an enchanting 2024?
There are as many ways to create magical systems as there are practitioners, so we’re going to approach this by first zooming way, way out and asking, “Why do you practice magic?”
Happy New Year! It’s time for my favorite tarot reading, the Year Ahead Spread. Grab your journal, grab…
I’m a total sucker for year-end retrospectives, and this month my inbox has been cheerfully full of them from fellow authors and entrepreneurs. I love hearing about lessons learned, epic wins (and epic flops), and sparkly plans for the future.
So, here’s my Big Lesson of 2023…
Little steps, consistently taken, can create surprisingly big change.
Throughout the year, three smaller lessons helped drive this Big One home. Let’s take a look…
Little Lesson #1: Reality is way more amazing than…