I want to do something a bit different for today’s supermoon in Aries. Ordinarily, I have a set topic to write about, but today I’m inviting divine intervention via the tarot. I’ve set this as my intention: Whichever cards I draw will be incredibly useful to whomever is reading this post, so if you’re here—this one’s for you, my friend!
Additionally, I want to explore the Aries energy flowing through this window of time. This energy can vitalize whatever we do, propelling us through the gap from idea >> action.
But when Aries energy is thwarted, this can lead to feelings of impotence and frustration, and we might have inner parts who misguidedly try to ease our pain through the steam valve of jealousy. We might find ourselves fixating on people who seem to have what we want.
Let’s visualize the energy flow…
If Aries energy doesn’t have a productive channel in which to flow, this can feel agitating AF, and our psyche will create a workaround. Maybe we spin a green-eyed narrative about someone else’s success, how they didn’t have to work nearly as hard as we did, how everything seems to fall into their lap, etc etc etc.
The point isn’t whether or not this story is accurate.
Even if it is, this doesn’t help you productively channel your Aries energy. 🐏 Maybe jealousy doesn’t play much of a role for you; perhaps something else shoves you into Outrage Mode, like reading the news or texting someone who invariably pushes your buttons.
For instance, I used to call someone who I knew was terrible about offering support…hoping to get their support. What happened? Well, just like the last 9,999 times, they immediately changed the topic to themselves, and I’d get all riled up and resentful, inwardly bemoaning, “Why are they so self-centered??” 😡 when a more interesting question might have been, “Why the hell do I keep calling this person when I want support??” 🤔
It was a classic illustration of one of my favorite AA sayings: Stop trying to buy milk at the hardware store.
Point being, whatever riles and thwarts your Aries energy, substitute that in the above energy flow.
When we cycle through this flow, we get to feel a connection to our Aries energy…
…which is a vital ingredient for feeling alive and purposeful. The problem is, the energy isn’t being routed into something that actually moves the needle forward, so we’re simply perpetuating the underlying sense of impotence and frustration.
With that in mind, let’s draw three tarot cards. Given that we’re (finally) in spooky season 💀 I’ll be using my beloved Bohemian Gothic Tarot.
The first card will help us spot when Aries energy is being thwarted.
The second card will show us how to interrupt this cycle.
And the third card helps us see where our Aries energy would like to flow instead.
Below, I’ve squished the cards together, because doing so helped me visualize the energy flow from one card to the next more clearly. Let’s take a peek…

The Moon
Immediately upon flipping this card over, I heard “fantasy.” A key component of recognizing when Aries energy is being thwarted is noticing when we’re floating into fantasy mode. Now, fantasy, in my lexicon, is quite different from imagination.
Fantasy has a static, controlled quality. It’s about reducing unwanted surprises and playing out a scenario in which we are in control, over and over again. Keep in mind, this needn’t be a pleasant scenario. In fact, it’s common to fantasize about a negative outcome, but the key is that, in the fantasy, we know what that unwanted outcome is, unlike in real life.
Imagination, in contrast, is seeded by the unconscious in unexpected ways. We’re often surprised, and even challenged, by the fruits of our imagination. If we try to control the imagination—as opposed to collaborating with it—it often shrivels up. Micromanaging the imagination simply doesn’t work.
Looking at the card again…
Notice in the background the garden and various castle-like structures. There’s a statue playing a pipe, and it seems to beckon us into a cave-like entrance. The figure in the card, however, is determined to look anywhere but. Their gaze feels distant, not fully present.
When I look at the howling wolf, blood staining its muzzle, it feels primal and deeply connected to the instinctual, yet the figure keeps its back to the wolf. As I sunk into this aspect of the card, I felt the moonlit garden pulsing with magic, the wolf urging the figure to heed that dark, unconscious rhythm.
Will the figure answer the call? Well, this seems to be the invitation of the card. When we’re tempted to slip into fantasy, it might seem like we’re entering a world of magic and wonder, but it’s sterile and lifeless. We have to risk the unknown, and Aries energy is a fantastic ally in taking this plunge, in delving into that shadowy garden portal.
To summarize, our first card asks us to pay attention to when, in our day-to-day, our mind starts to drift into fantasy, whether that entails pleasant or unpleasant scenarios. This takes us out of the real, which is where all the magic happens.
For example, I’ve noticed in my own life, when I start to feel overwhelmed, my mind wants to “drift.” Maybe I start scrolling or piling on busy work—anything to avoid the task that will actually move things forward. Cue thwarted Aries energy. 😖 This then compounds the feeling of agitation and overwhelm, creating a vicious cycle.
When I notice this in action, I can step back and intentionally take a break, which is far more restorative than reaching for unconscious distractions.
Your turn:
What do the Moon’s messages bring up for you? Do you have an initial sense of when you tend to slip into fantasy mode throughout the day?
Six of Wands
To refresh, this card indicates how we can interrupt the cycle of thwarting our Aries energy. Recall that the last card gave us the clue of slipping into fantasy, this being an indicator that Aries energy is being thwarted.
The message I’m receiving from the Six of Wands is quite simple: We interrupt this pattern by pausing to get clear on what our goal is.
When we let Aries energy spew everywhere like a garden hose turned on full blast, tied to a merry-go-round (not sure why anyone would do that, but…), this isn’t fun! Rather than feeling invigorated, we’re liable to feel drained, at least after the initial flurry of excitement wears off and everything’s a soggy mess.
We really feel the power of Aries when we give it a clear directive, and the Six of Wands is our invitation to pause, regroup, and make sure the troops are heading in the proper direction. In practical terms, maybe we need to create a checklist. What are we actually trying to accomplish here, and are we still headed in that direction, or have side tasks and busy work derailed us?
For me, there’s a psychological hump I must overcome between the Moon and the Six of Wands. When my mind is drifting into fantasy mode, this is usually because I’ve gotten overwhelmed, and it takes consciously exerted will to step back from the inner tornado. 🌪️
Some days this is harder than others, but the key is that I now know this gap is challenging, so I’m no longer surprised (and further derailed) when resistance arises. Instead, it’s like, “Ah yes, here’s that familiar feeling. No need to panic! Once I pause and regroup, things will calm down.”
I also know better than to listen to the inner part insisting I keep whacking my head against the wall, trying to figure things out while I’m in overwhelm mode. Nothing good happens in that head space, and I have to pause first, then regroup.
Your turn:
Do you have a system for tracking your goals? 🎯 If we don’t know what we’re aiming at, Aries energy can backfire and lead to endless distractions as we get lost in busy work.
You might also consider setting a deadline. Even if you have to move the date, having a target creates a container, like a magic circle for your energy, and you might be surprised by how much more effective you are within this space.
Ace of Swords
Our last card indicates where our Aries energy wants to flow, once it’s liberated from unproductive cycles.
I love this imagery of the sword behind a fence, and in a place of endings and rebirth ⚰️. For starters, this gives us the clue that we must protect our Aries energy, which we’ve already begun to do in the previous card.
If we think of Aries energy as precious life force—which it is—we don’t want to spend it willy nilly. We want to choose projects and relationships and other pursuits that are a good match for our strengths and interests.
And once we choose, we must protect this choice. Life won’t do that for us. We have to say no to things that aren’t in alignment, and given that we’re routinely presented with opportunities and distractions, we might have to say no many, many times before we reach our goal.
To me, the cemetery speaks to the finite nature of this life we’ve been granted. We can’t do all the things; we can’t be all the things. Sometimes, FOMO really, really sucks, but when we learn to embrace this unalterable facet of human existence, it becomes liberating.
The angst of not being able to do everything becomes the bliss of Hell yeah, I don’t have to do everything!
Your turn:
Now that you know what you’re aiming at (six of wands), what do you need to say no to? Remember, the idea that you can do everything is a fantasy (the Moon), and it’s a recipe for overwhelming and thwarted Aries energy.
Choose your focus, and Aries energy becomes your best friend.
Try to do it all, and it becomes the fire that fuels the inevitable burnout.
Thank you for going on this tarot journey with me, my friend. Happy Full Moon! 🌝
Also, you know I couldn’t resist creating another poll. Scroll to the bottom to cast your vote!

P.S. If you want to interact with your tarot (or oracle) cards more intuitively, beyond the constraints of conventional card “meanings,” check out my Art of Intuitive Tarot course. Instead of treating tarot like a set of flashcards, your intuition can transform each card into a portal of personalized guidance, and it’s way easier than you think, using my step-by-step SymbolVision method.
Oh! And you can use code SPOOKY24 between now and Halloween to save 20% on the course. 🎃